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Mark's wife Becky (see video below)


Mark's daughter Kristy (see video below)


Mark's son Matthew (see video below)



Mark's daughter Katie (see video below)


     Mark's brother Rick

I am Mark's older brother. I have known Mark his whole life. Even as a teenager when many young people get off track, Mark was a straight arrow. He is a man you can trust to always do the right thing. He is politically conservative and fiscally conservative and Mark will put all he has into fixing the things that are broken within government. You could not do any better than to elect Mark Johnson for City Council. You can tell by his fitness, that he is totally responsible and disciplined in all areas of his life. Elect Mark Johnson!"


    Kendall Qualls

"I'm excited to endorse Mark Johnson for St. Cloud City Council.  Mark is a man of integrity and he can be trusted to help move St. Cloud forward in a positive and constructive way that will make all citizens of St. Cloud proud.  He understands the importance of common sense financial management, the important issues related to families in St. Cloud and knows the importance of the future while remaining true to our historical foundation."

[Kendall Qualls is Founder/President of the nonprofit foundation TakeCharge. Mr. Qualls was a candidate for Governor in the 2022 election. He's also the author of "The Prodigal Project: Hope for American Families."]


Committee to Elect Mark Johnson
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