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 1. Your public safety!   2. Your economic wellbeing!   3. St. Cloud's health & vibrancy!

1. Your public safety!

Our police department should be adequately funded, trained, supported and respected. Our current laws should be properly enforced or lawlessness will increase.


2. Your economic willbeing!

I want to advocate for fair property taxes, which shouldn't go up higher than the inflation rate. I want to see St. Cloud be a great place to start and grow small and medium-sized businesses. Let's become an even greater place for good paying jobs. Let's make sure we're not over-regulating and over-taxing small businesses and our amazing residents.

3. St. Cloud's health & vibrancy!

Let's make St. Cloud an even healthier, more vibrant community! Let's do a better job of maintaining our roads and traffic flow. Let's make sure to properly care for our lovely parks. Let's work hard at revitalizing downtown. Let's continue to provide a quality fire department and first responders. Let's facilitate more single-family homes. Let's be fiscally responsibile and promote better transparency and accountability. 

If these values resonate with you, vote for me, Mark Johnson, for city council. Thank you!



Committee to Elect Mark Johnson
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